Driver drives his passenger sick!

  • Kevin
  • 2013-10-29 15:59
  • 500
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Driver drives his passenger sick!

With its length of 20.8 kilometers, the Nürburgring is one of the longest race tracks on the world. Besides that many people say it is the most beautiful too, but also one of the most dangerous. On the internet, videos with cars crashing on 'the Green Hell' are uploaded day after day. The possibility of having damage wasn't enough for this driver of the Porsche 997 GT3 MkII to resist him from driving as fast as possible. He drove so fast that his passenger felt sick when he stepped out of the car. Happely though the driver stopped at a safe place so the passenger could empty his stomach. With that he ruined his lap time, but he saves the interior of his car. Just imagine the smell even months after it the accident! Despite feeling sick, the passenger had fun about the fact that all cameras were fixed on the GT3, and smiled to them.

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