Spotted: SSC Ultimate Aero

  • Tjan
  • 2009-01-02 19:34
  • 622
  • 0

Spotted: SSC Ultimate Aero

The year 2009 starts off really well. Today you can read a report about the scoops from last year. We can also welcome the first scoop of 2009 to Autogespot. Finally this long awaited spot, a SSC Ultimate Aero, can be added to the site!

We know the SSC Ultimate Aero as a very powerful American supercar. It is built by Shelby SuperCars and is as of yet, the fastest car on earth. The brutal power behind the driver's seat is a lot more extreme than that of a Veyron or Enzo. This car costs 600.000 dollars, not a whole lot if you compare it to what you get. The V8 has two turbos that produces between 1100 and 1200 bhp. The top speed of this monster lies far beyond the 400 km/h, knocking many famous names off the charts. Only 25 of these supercars are produced each year, which makes this car exceptionally rare. This could also be caused by the fact that this is not the nicest design we've ever seen.

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