Spot report: visiting the luxurious Gstaad

  • Tjan
  • 2009-01-12 16:37
  • 1942
  • 1

Spot report: visiting the luxurious Gstaad

Gstaad might be an unknown place for most of you. It is not an unknown place for people that love to ski, have a lot of money and in between the skiing want to spend money at Cartier or Prada. If you fit in this category then Gstaad is definitely the place to visit. Gstaad is situated in Switzerland and is one of the most luxurious ski resorts on the globe. One of the usual spotters from Autogespot, Adam, could not resist taking some pictures of the many expensive vehicles that he saw there in between the skiing. In other words, time for some pictures!

Before we show you the pictures we'll give you some information about Gstaad. Gstaad is situated in the township of Saanen, at a height of 1,050 meters. It has only 2,500 residents with tourism as their main source of income. Both in the summer and in the winter Gstaad is visited on a regular basis by people with quite a bit of money to spend. It's a typical Swiss village with chalets that look amazing all year round. The resort is a place where the wealthiest Europeans come to ski, it's a place for the jet-set. Famous people including Paris Hilton, Roger Moore, Michael Jackson and Princess Diana have visited this small village.

To keep it short, you don't go to Gstaad just to spot cars. But if you do happen to be in the area, make sure you visit this resort. It seems as though there is a lot of money circulating in this village. Last summer someone spotted a Veyron in the same area. Adam saw quite a few exclusive Porsches while he was on vacation here. Below you will find a photo report so that you can get an impression of Gstaad in the middle of winter.

Thank you Adam for the pictures! Have you also taken nice pictures this winter or are you planning to take some, don't hesitate to send them to frontpage[at]!

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