Exclusive: Bentley Brooklands in the snow

  • Tjan
  • 2009-01-18 14:22
  • 3916
  • 0

Exclusive: Bentley Brooklands in the snow

It is winter in the Netherlands. People are ice-skating, there's hot chocolate and pea-soup, everywhere there is a decoration of white. For many dutch people with an exotic car this is not the perfect opportunity to go for a drive, but the weather is very nice for some picture opportunities. That's what Ad, employee at auto-dealer V/D Akker, decided. The result of this are some beautiful shots of a limited Bentley, the Brooklands.

This is the second Brooklands in the Netherlands. The only one with a Dutch license plate has been spotted a few times before. This Brooklands is patiently waiting for an owner (Dutch article) that has at least 600 thousand for this limited produced car of more than five meters long. Of the many Bentleys that have been produced in recent years this is probably the nicest, and at least the most impressive. The design makes you think back of the big mafia-cars. A low roof-line a big rear-end and a gigantic front. Overwhelming is one of the words when describing this unique and beautiful Brooklands. These unique pictures emphasize the awesome details of the Bentley Brooklands.

Ad, thanks again for the pictures!

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