Credit crunch? Not for this wealthy person!

Credit crunch? Not for this wealthy person!

Every single day you hear news about the economical crisis that hits the world. But not everybody is hit by this crisis, or just doesn’t bother. This also happens in the Netherlands. To be precise in Bergen, near Alkmaar. There some gifts were delivered to the sons of a wealthy man. Thijs12 shot some pictures of these gifts.

To be precise six Porsches were parked on the driveway! When you have enough cash to give all your kids a nice Porsche you have a pretty wealthy life. It are all new Porsches, the Carrera 4S, both coupé and convertible editions. With a price of about €150,000.- per Porsche this little gift will cost about €1,000,000.-.

Thijs12 thanks for the pictures!

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