Mercedes-Benz McLaren SLR Roadster Renovatio Gemballa?

Mercedes-Benz McLaren SLR Roadster Renovatio Gemballa?

Things can go a bit weird sometimes. Check out this guys story. He's from Qatar, happens to be a wealthy sheik and he also happened to have bought himself a Mercedes-Benz McLaren SLR Roadster. Then dilemma struck, "where am I going to have my car tuned?" He thought about Mansory and Gemballa but you can't have both. Can you....?

Here you have it, a Mansory SLR Renovatio Roadster Gemballa. Hurray! It worked! Normally, the Mansory Renovatio is only available as a coupe but this sheik managed to turn his Roadster into a Renovatio. There is something weird about it though. The rear of the car says Gemballa. Did anyone mention identity-crisis? The owner is said to be a great fan of Gemballa tuning but he liked the bodykit from Mansory more. Normally Gemballa doesn't do Mercedes-Benz stuff so it's a bit weird to see Gemballa's name on the car. We're pretty curious who upgraded the engine, Mansory or Gemballa. Maybe this car will show up in London, Monaco or Geneva next year!

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