Movie: spotter drives along in a Lamborghini Murciélago LP670-4 SV

  • Nick
  • 2009-07-15 15:46
  • 2812
  • 1

Movie: spotter drives along in a Lamborghini Murciélago LP670-4 SV

On my second day in London I walked my usual spotroute that ended at the Dorchester. From a distance I saw a big spoiler which I vaguely recognised from pictures. As I came closer I saw it was a LP670-4 Superveloce. After a few minutes of standing still and watching in astonishment, I started to take some pictures, this is where we all do it for! It is quite understandable that this car turns some heads, but surprisingly even the Londoners get out of their taxis or get off their bikes. you might think they are used to pretty much everything?

Later that day I saw the car in several different locations, the driver seemed to love driving. What else do you do with such a car? The people who go to London regularly know what that looks like: from their hotel past Harrods, park the car on Sloane street to have a drink at the Jumeirah Carlton Towers or shop a bit and then have another drink around the corner. And that all evening long. For some totally ridiculous, for us spotters a blessing.

After I saw the car parking on Sloane Street, I decided to talk to the owner.
Me: "Do you like it as much as I do?"
Him: "I love it! Would you like to take some pictures of the inside?"
Me: "Sure!" *click* "Could I maybe take a ride with you when you leave?"
Him: "Sure mate, hop in!"

He didn't have to repeat that! Opening the door was already cool! What an invention. It was no problem to film it, bungling with my camera in one hand, my backpack between my legs and my video camera in the other hand we started. It's not a very spacious car, but I fit in one of the Reventón-styled bucket seats with no problem, and I'm not a very thin man.

About ten seconds after the end of this movie, I saw something in my side window. Cops, "the rozzers"! My heart was pounding rather fast after the drive, but this added a few beats per minute! "This is not a racetrack, are you mad?!" the cop said. After a thousand apologies by the driver and a few prayers from my side, the cop car drove on. Luckily he didn't have to say goodbye to his superfine bull from Sant' Agata Bolognese.

This was one of the best experiences during my week in London!

Richard de Heus

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