Ferrari F12berlinetta executed in Anniversary '50/'60 color

  • Kevin
  • 2013-08-14 10:28
  • 2046
  • 0

Ferrari F12berlinetta executed in Anniversary '50/'60 color

The last Ferrari which we spotlighted in the 'Colours of the rainbow'-series was the FF. The following Ferrari which will be presented in this series will probably be the F12berlinetta. The car isn't only spotted in strong, flashy colours but also softer colours.

We have been making a list of colours so we will process it into an article as soon as we have enough different colours. The F12berlinetta is already spotted in many different colours, like Verde Abetone and Grigio Medio. The colour of the copy below is called Avorio, a colour which is part of the Fifties and Sixties-program. Other colours that are included in this program are Azzuro California and Verde British. All these colours are just a little different, classical and sometimes quite spicy. Who can't choose a colour out of these 26 special colours still has the advantage of the Tailor Made program which offers almost endless possibilities.

Ferrari F12berlinetta uitgevoerd in Anniversary '50/'60 kleur

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