Golden Countach on Golden Wheels

Golden Countach on Golden Wheels

The new Countach was probably mostly chosen in white. This doesn’t mean that there aren't some exceptional Countachs out there. Here we see a golden Countach with golden wheels.

Unfortunately, the wheels are not the same shade as the car. I strongly suspect that this is intentional. There might be an older Countach that is painted in the same color scheme. Whether it would look better if the wheels matched the car's color is debatable. In my opinion, it would look much better, but tastes differ. What is certain is that this is an extremely beautiful Countach. Not white like probably half of all new Countachs. This particular example appeared in Monaco without license plates, so it’s impossible to say where this dream car comes from. In fact, it was delivered by truck a few days ago. It might have been picked up directly from the nearest major airport, perhaps coming from the Middle East like many other cars in Monaco. It might have also been delivered from another European country. Maybe a Monegasque bought it and had it delivered to them. The possibilities are open. We just have to wait until it reappears, perhaps with a license plate. Let’s be surprised.

Golden Countach on Golden WheelsClick on the photo for more photo's of this spot!

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