4 Reasons You Need a Pedestrian Accident Attorney

  • Ruud
  • 2020-03-01 12:35
  • 46
  • 0

4 Reasons You Need a Pedestrian Accident Attorney

Car accidents take the lives of Californians every day. And given California’s large population, you’ll see why this state has the highest statistics regarding motor accidents, death and injuries. A report by Laist, for instance, indicates that in 2019 alone, 239 people died in traffic crashes in the city of L.A.

Surprisingly, more than half of the victims, about 131 people were pedestrians struck by negligent drivers. In the same year, the number of cyclists and those walking was slightly higher than last year. Now, if you’re injured as a pedestrian, you might think the case is open and shut.
After all, is it not the responsibility of the driver to watch out for pedestrians at all times?

Unfortunately, just because you’ve been in a pedestrian accident doesn’t mean you’ll get the settlement you deserve, and this is why you need a California pedestrian accident attorney to help you with your case. But in a pedestrian case, it's not always about a settlement; in the text below, we shall look at the crucial reason why you need a pedestrian attorney.

You Might Be Too Injured to Focus on Legal Matters
As a pedestrian, it’s always to get seriously injured if you’re involved in a car accident. It’s not uncommon for pedestrians to experience broken limbs, to severe head trauma. Now, if you're severely injured or eve bedridden, it's unlikely you'll be able to represent yourself in court.
You'll most likely need to hire a qualified attorney to represent you on. Having a qualified attorney by your side will give you the peace of mind you need to focus on your recovery, rather than having to worry about the legal matters.

A professional attorney will move in quickly to find witnesses, process the police report and other evidence to prove that the driver was negligent and that you were not at fault.

An Attorney Will Determine Who’s At Fault
Insurance adjusters normally having cunning ways of denying your claim; after all, they're in business, and they'll do everything in their power not to compensate you for the damages. That said, each state has specific laws regarding pedestrians, motorists, and pedestrian accidents.
In California, for instance, the CVC 21954(a) states that pedestrians don’t always have the right of way, and they need to yield the right-of-way to vehicles when crossing in an area outside of a crosswalk. Now, while drivers are not always blameless in such instances, you might find that you’re likely to lose on any financial compensation claim. And this why you need a professional attorney to help in determining who is at fault.

Negotiate your Settlement on your Behalf
Chances are, you're insurance provider will provide you with a lowball settlement or even deny your claim altogether. Now, an attorney will advise you as to what is at the table is fair, and if not, they’ll negotiate on your behalf. A professional pedestrian attorney can determine whether an offer is fair, and here, they'll also consider other costs such as suffering, pain, medical costs, damage to personal possessions, and more. You need an attorney that can file a suit, and even better, challenge your provider in a law court I they give a lowball offer.

Representation in Court
Sometimes, settlements cannot be reached out of court. And if that's the case, a pedestrian attorney can represent you in a law court, and here, they'll give you the best chances of getting rewarded for the damages you deserve. During court representation, your attorney will put up the best defense and show that the driver was negligent.

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