A sudden surprise: the BMW Autumn Ride

A sudden surprise: the BMW Autumn Ride

It sometimes happens, being bored in the morning and then it turns out to be a great day in a bloody fast BMW, it happened to Pablo Deboosere, also known as spotter1995. He wrote the following report for you and sent us the following pictures!

I was waiting for the bus, last Sunday, 28th of October. Suddenly a Morgan Threewheeler appears which I already had spotted and I became Spot of the Day with that spot. Suddenly, a few BMW’s came around the corner. I went after them and started a conversation with some of the owners. They told me about the BMW Autumn Ride, and in Sint-Jan, even more cars were waiting.

I took the first bus to Sint-Jan and I found several BMW M’s over there. I spoke with a very nice owner from Brugge. By chance, I had to be in Brugge too and I was lucky enough the owner took me for a ride. This was really awesome as you can probably imagine! Via this report I would love to share this experience with all of you!

A sudden surprise: the BMW Autumn Ride
A sudden surprise: the BMW Autumn RideA sudden surprise: the BMW Autumn RideA sudden surprise: the BMW Autumn RideA sudden surprise: the BMW Autumn Ride

A sudden surprise: the BMW Autumn Ride
A sudden surprise: the BMW Autumn RideA sudden surprise: the BMW Autumn RideA sudden surprise: the BMW Autumn RideA sudden surprise: the BMW Autumn Ride

A sudden surprise: the BMW Autumn Ride
A sudden surprise: the BMW Autumn RideA sudden surprise: the BMW Autumn RideA sudden surprise: the BMW Autumn RideA sudden surprise: the BMW Autumn Ride

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