Beautiful green Miura P400 S spotted!

Beautiful green Miura P400 S spotted!

It is great to spot a Ferrari or Porsche somewhere you don’t expect it to be but it is amazing when you spot a Lamborghini Miura P400 S on a place you don’t expect it to be. This classic is still beautiful and sporty. The car itself is really sporty, you can have a lot of fun with the 370 bhp it produces!

It was already possible to accelerate to 100 km/h in 5.6 seconds back in 1968! Combined with a maximum speed of 288 km/h, the Miura P400 S was one of the fastest cars in that time. The Miura P400 S differs just a little bit from the normal Miura but with only 140 copies made, it’s a small chance you will see two of them next to each other. It is a miracle when you see only one of them, though you can’t really miss this copy with its outstanding colour. The colour reminds us of the colour Verde Ithaca. It is a real topspot of a beautiful car!

Beautiful green Miura P400 S spotted!

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