Beautiful pictures of a Lamborghini Countach 5000 S

Beautiful pictures of a Lamborghini Countach 5000 S

London’s still a special city. Not only modern supercars are spotted but we also see some rare classics every now and then. This time, P Automotive Photography, was lucky enough to spot a beautiful piece of history. He spotted a beautiful, red, perfectly maintained Lamborghini Countach 5000 S!

The Lamborghini Countach is a very popular car amongst the older generation of car fanatics. For the younger generation it may look a bit out of proportion but this is a true classic which you must have seen and heard once in your life.

The name from the car doesn’t come from a bull or a matador, no it’s something completely different. The word Countach is used in the Piedmonts language and is used when they see something very beautiful, mostly a woman. And we can definitely say that the Lamborghini Countach is a real beauty, although you have to love the design of the car. Meanwhile, the model is already forty years old and more than two thousand copies found their way to the streets. So you must be very lucky to spot a copy of this car once in your life.

The Lamborghini Countach 5000 S, which is officially known as 500 S to prevent mistakes with the 5000QV, of which only 323 copies are made. The car has a 4.8 liters V12 engine. This engine produces 370 hp which are transferred to the rear wheels. The lucky owner of the car can sprint to 100 kph in just 4.8 seconds and the top speed can be found around 300 kph.

Now, it’s time to enjoy the beautiful pictures with a great atmosphere!

Beautiful pictures of a Lamborghini Countach 5000 S

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