Devel Sixteen comes to life

Devel Sixteen comes to life

It's already two years ago that one of the most creazy creations ever built was shown in Dubai, the Devel Sixteen. At the end of 2015, the car manufacturer comes up with some great news, the engine is running and reachesthe promised amount of power.

Devel Sixteen is still working on the realization of the car. The concept was an example of the copy that will be for sale. With special gasoline, the V16 with four turbos is capable of producing a stunning 4.515 hp at 6.900 rpm. With normal gasoline the engine has a maximum power of 3.002 hp, which is still the most powerful engine ever built. Devel Sixteen has only one goal, building the most powerful production car ever and getting a record with a top speed of over 500 kph. We can't wait to see this in real life. On their social media channel you can follow the latest news from these crazy Arabs!

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