First LaFerrari arrived in the Czech Republic

First LaFerrari arrived in the Czech Republic

Ferrari will build only 499 copies of the LaFerrari. These copies will find a lucky owner all over the world and also in the Czech Republic a few fortunate people will receive the keys of their hypercar from Maranello. In Prague, the first LaFerrari just arrived!

The LaFerrari can probably be spotted around the city of Prague according to Sam. He managed to spot this first copy at the local Ferrari dealership. The LaFerrari is painted in the traditional red colour which is the perfect colour for a Ferrari according to many. The spotters in Prague will probably go crazy when they see this car on the Parizska Ulice. The first LaFerrari in the Czech Republich means the start of a new generation of supercars in this country. We're wondering when we will see the Porsche 918 Spyder and McLaren P1 in Prague!

Eerste LaFerrari gearriveerd in Tsjechië
Eerste LaFerrari gearriveerd in Tsjechië Eerste LaFerrari gearriveerd in Tsjechië Eerste LaFerrari gearriveerd in Tsjechië Eerste LaFerrari gearriveerd in Tsjechië

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