Hypercombo in London is just astonishing

Hypercombo in London is just astonishing

Name a city where you can still remember a very impressive combo and you will probably mention Paris, London or Monaco. All these three cities have a few hotels where you can always find some amazing cars. In London, this is the Dorchester Hotel on Park Lane.

The hotel rents rooms starting at 1.000 euros a night so it's clear that you need to have a lot of money to sleep at this place. In a normal hotel in London you can sleep over five nights for this price. The Dorchester is a very popular hotel among the rich and that's shown with the supercars and hypercars in front of the hotel. This combo that was recently spotted in front of the hotel shows us again that London is an amazing city for spotting. Whether it's spring, summer, autumn or winter, you can always find some unique cars in this city!

Hypercombo in Londen blijft verbazingwekkend

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