Is this Lamborghini Aventador completely ready?

Is this Lamborghini Aventador completely ready?

Wrapping a car is a delicate trick, in which you can do just the thing you like. That's exactly what the owner of the following Lamborghini Aventador LP700-4 must have thought. He wrapped his Italian supercar, but not completely. Some parts are still black, do you like this? We guess that a lot of you won't like it.

It looks the car isn't completely finished. The black nose is an offset against the chrome blue colour of the wrap, a colour that does look good on the roof. Another thing that stands out are the matte black wheels. The contrast with the colour of the car is a great thing. You will definitely stand out with this car in Dubai but this won't be enough to steal the show. This Lamborghini Aventador LP700-4 isn't special enough in this wealthy country.

Is deze Lamborghini Aventador helemaal klaar zo?

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