Lamborghini Urus in front of the Lamborghini factory

Lamborghini Urus in front of the Lamborghini factory

The SUV from Lamborghini, the Urus, isn’t finished yet and it isn’t even sure if they are going to produce the car the way it looks now. Though, Pascal was lucky enough to shoot some pictures of this car in front of the factory in Sant’Agata Bolognese. The place of birth of all Lamborghinis. The personnel was busy with a photo shoot next to the car and Pascal had the chance to shoot some pictures of this future Lamborghini SUV for himself.

Last April, the car was showed in China to a selected audience for the first time and now the car is shining in front of the factory of Lamborghini. If we have to believe the last rumors, the Urus will have a V8 twin turbo engine which will produce around 600 bhp to drive this heavy monster which weighs up to 2000 kilograms. We quite like the car the way it looks now and we hope this will be the final production version.

Lamborghini Urus in front of the Lamborghini factory
Lamborghini Urus in front of the Lamborghini factoryLamborghini Urus in front of the Lamborghini factoryLamborghini Urus in front of the Lamborghini factoryLamborghini Urus in front of the Lamborghini factory

Lamborghini Urus in front of the Lamborghini factory
Lamborghini Urus in front of the Lamborghini factoryLamborghini Urus in front of the Lamborghini factoryLamborghini Urus in front of the Lamborghini factory

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