Maintenance That You Need to Keep an Eye on for Exclusive Cars

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  • 2022-01-02 09:16
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Maintenance That You Need to Keep an Eye on for Exclusive Cars

Cars that are exclusive in some way are popular but do require maintenance. But how do you ensure you have a robust car maintenance schedule in place without repeat and potentially expensive bills from a mechanic. Here's how you can stay alert to maintenance issues so your car remains in pristine condition.

Get the Basics Right
As with any car, getting the basic checks done is vital so you keep your engine in order. Always check the tire pressures and tread weekly, and ensure your oil, water, and windshield washer levels are optimal. You should also check the coolant to avoid freezing or overheating. Getting those basic things into your maintenance routine helps avoid breakdowns and accidents.

Know the Mileage and How it Relates to Maintenance
Your mileage is a good indicator for the maintenance of exclusive cars. Always book a service every 10,000 miles or so which will give your mechanic an opportunity to check the car is running ok and to look out for any wear and tear. Having a good service record helps when you come to sell a car too, as a buyer can see you took good care of it. When cars have not been regularly maintained they are at risk of long-term damage and do not run as efficiently.

Some car parts need replacing during the lifetime of a car such as the battery. Timing belts are another example of a vital car part that needs replacing every 60,000 miles. Being aware of these issues helps keep your car in good condition but also enables you to plan ahead.

Use an OBD2 Scanner
If you don't already have an OBD2 scanner you should get one to help plan your maintenance. The best OBD2 scanner can read engine light codes, have professional diagnostic tools, and are great for detecting problems in your car. They are also good at analyzing electronic problems and even connect to a smartphone. One of these gadgets will make a big difference to your car maintenance program.

Check the Lights
It is vital to make sure your head lamps and braking lights work and are clean. These are essential by law and you reduce the risk of an accident when you have your lights in working order.

The brakes are also essential. In particular, brake fluid levels and pads which must be in good order to avoid an accident, especially on wet and slippery roads. You can get these checked at your regular service checks or do them yourself if you are able.

Use A Specialist Garage
If you have an exclusive car, getting the maintenance and servicing done at a specialist garage ensures the vehicle is being checked by people who are used to dealing with these types of cars. They are also good at tracking down spare parts and can give expert advice on maintenance and care.

Connect with the Car Clubs
There's a good reason to join a car owner's club for specialist and exclusive vehicles. You'll find a lot of learning from other car owners, especially maintenance tips and advice. If you need a spare part, they can be hard to come by, but car owners clubs usually know how to track them down.

Replace Air Filters
Filters are vital to ensure your air conditioning is working. Get them replaced as a part of your service and maintenance. If they fail on a hot day and you have no functioning air conditioning, your drive will not be a pleasant one.

Don't Forget Washing and Polishing
A big part of car maintenance is washing and waxing the car. Set a regular routine for washing the car as it gets rid of dirt, grease and salt build up which can lead to corrosion, especially in older vehicles. Polishing will maintain the paintwork and make your car gleam. Also, book a valeting service to get your interiors cleaned. It makes all the difference when you have an exclusive car.

Longer-term Checks
You can schedule in the longer-term checks for your car such as spark plugs, battery life, and oil filters. Oil needs to be changed periodically to avoid build up of sludge and to ensure your car runs efficiently. If you have a four-wheel drive, checking the transfer case fluid should be scheduled in. This shifts power from transmission to axles and needs to be changed during the lifetime of the vehicle.

By setting out a schedule of the short and longer term things that need to be done to keep your car in perfect condition, you will get into a routine and have a vehicle that runs well. Good maintenance also extends the longevity of the car so it functions well for longer, give you the pleasure of driving a beautiful vehicle.

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