New Porsche Cayman almost naked

New Porsche Cayman almost naked

Now that the Porsche Boxster is renewed for a while already, the Porsche fanatics are waiting for the new Porsche Cayman to arrive. We could already imagine how the car would look like thanks to the design of the Boxster, but we can now say that the two cars definitely look like each other.

However we only have two pictures for you, these pictures show us a lot. On the back of the car we find a integrated spoiler. This makes the car look more powerful and dynamic than the back of the current Cayman. On the front we will see the same styling as on the Boxster and the Cayman will also have the same head lights. On the side of the car we find a big air intake to complete the car. We have to wait for the L.A. Motor Show to see what the car will eventually look like. We can expect a 2.7 liter six-cylinder engine with 265 bhp and a 3.4 liters six-cylinder engine in the Cayman S with 315 bhp.

New Porsche Cayman almost naked

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