Pagani Huayra BC: uncamouflaged

Pagani Huayra BC: uncamouflaged

We've already heard a lot of rumors and spyshots from a more extreme version of the Pagani Huayra. Now we've found a set of photos with the new Huayra, which will officially be named Huayra BC, without any camouflage.

Well, what do you think of it? I'm not that charmed of this model to be honest. I've always seen the Huayra as a driving piece of art and the Huayra BC looks like it's built by a creative tuning company. Especially the wheels wouldn't be my choice. My personal opinion doesn't make this car less special although I would prefer a 'standard' Huayra.

We don't know that much about the specifications of the BC yet, so we can only guess about it. We guess that the car will get a small power upgrade and the BC will be very popular among those who think the Huayrai s too normal and are looking for something more extreme in their garage. The BC is spotted around the racing tracks and we expect that the car will be more track focused than the standard Huayra. We're patiently waiting for more officialy information!

Pagani Huayra BC: ongecamoufleerd

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