Special: desert run with a Lamborghini Aventador LP700-4

Special: desert run with a Lamborghini Aventador LP700-4

The Lamborghini Aventador LP700-4 is one of the most ultimate and most loved supercars of this moment. What’s better than driving this car in one of the most fascinating cities in the world, Dubai? Spotter Patrick takes you into this adventure after the interview with Khalid Al Mulla of Group 63. He takes the Aventador for a desert run!

You might ask yourself, how does a car spotter gets the chance to make a photo- & video shot of such an exotic? To answer this question we have to go a bit back in time, 6 months to be exact. That was when I started with Instagram. You see, here in Dubai Instagram is huge, I am not sure how it is in Europe at the moment, but the Middle East and Dubai especially is crazy about it. So after YouTube and Facebook and Twitter it seemed logical to expand further. So I started with my Instagram and after some time I understood how it worked and I started to gain followers.

Now, let's fast forward a bit to May 2013. I left Dubai for a 4 week vacation in China and as some might know both youtube and facebook are blocked sites in China. So with no possibility to access neither of them and with limited internet due to a lot of travelling I focused on Instagram. While being on vacation I searched on Instagram about cars, well super cars in Dubai and I found more and more. One day, I saw a picture of a Lamborghini Aventador and I left a comment below the picture.

"How do you have a picture of your car from behind while you are driving it? We should meet and I will make some pictures and a video for you!" Well, this comment seemed to have worked for the owner, cause he replied and over a period of like 2 weeks until my return to Dubai we exchanged emails & mobile numbers. A week after I returned we met up for a coffee in the evening and discussed what kind of pictures he would like to have. After this quick first meeting we agreed to meet the following Saturday in one of the Malls to drive out of town a bit and make a photo- & video shot.

So, the mentioned Saturday came and being always very punctual I was waiting for the owner to arrive (I used the time to record another video for my youtube channel). A few minutes before the scheduled time I got a call that the owner was busy, but one of his family members would be coming. So, a few minutes later I saw the yellow beast coming rolling in to the agreed spot.

We greeted each other, I put my equipment into the trunk in the front, opened the wing door on the passengers site, got in and we took off. Which normal petrol head doesn't dream about an occasion like this? I did drive in an Aventador before, even drove one for a little while myself before that, but taking a bull out for a speed run and some action is different. We drove out of the city and at the last traffic light before the city border we switched into Corsa Mode (track mode)! The sound and punch when gears are changed is just crazy. It feels like someone is kicking you with full speed into the back, your head bounces back during every gear shift and your muscles tense during the acceleration. What an awesome experience.

Special: desert run with a Lamborghini Aventador LP700-4
Special: desert run with a Lamborghini Aventador LP700-4Special: desert run with a Lamborghini Aventador LP700-4Special: desert run with a Lamborghini Aventador LP700-4Special: desert run with a Lamborghini Aventador LP700-4
Special: desert run with a Lamborghini Aventador LP700-4
Special: desert run with a Lamborghini Aventador LP700-4Special: desert run with a Lamborghini Aventador LP700-4Special: desert run with a Lamborghini Aventador LP700-4Special: desert run with a Lamborghini Aventador LP700-4
Special: desert run with a Lamborghini Aventador LP700-4

The stability of the car on the road, the power and extreme acceleration is breathtaking! 100km/h are reached within a blink of an eye and the raging bull pulls on and on like there is no limit! After we reached our destination I set up my cameras and I started recording different angles, launch control, details of the car, the exhaust sound and more. With the sun setting in the desert and the picturesque background I took the shots that felt just right. Even though it was hot on that day, I just didn’t care, cause it was such fun to drive in an Aventador shot gun, take nice footage for the video and some nice pictures, it makes you forget the temperatures and humidity!

The video- & photo shot ended very quickly, even though 4 hours passed by from the moment we met until I was dropped off at the spot where we met earlier that day. After reviewing the recorded footage and pictures I edited the following days and presented the video to the owner. He liked them, approved the video and at the same time asked me to meet again. So we did and we fixed another meeting on the following Saturday.

The Trailer

The Full Video

That time we did drive out of Dubai again, but not “just” with the Aventador, but a Lamborghini Murcielago and a Ferrari 430 Spider. After some time a Mercedes-Benz SLR 722 Roadster joined and the trio and we recorded some video footage, took pictures and then went back to Dubai. This video was recorded on the way back out if the SLR McLaren . Here are some of the pictures that we took that same evening and you can imagine taking pictures of four super cars together is just plain awesome for a car spotter.

I hope that you all like the pictures and enjoy the videos and hopefully the next video will be following soon.

Special: desert run with a Lamborghini Aventador LP700-4
Special: desert run with a Lamborghini Aventador LP700-4Special: desert run with a Lamborghini Aventador LP700-4Special: desert run with a Lamborghini Aventador LP700-4Special: desert run with a Lamborghini Aventador LP700-4
Special: desert run with a Lamborghini Aventador LP700-4
Special: desert run with a Lamborghini Aventador LP700-4Special: desert run with a Lamborghini Aventador LP700-4Special: desert run with a Lamborghini Aventador LP700-4

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