Spotted: Madagascar Orange Aston Martin DB9 in Munich

Spotted: Madagascar Orange Aston Martin DB9 in Munich

Just like every car, the Aston Martin DB9 has a few colours that are very popular. This are black, grey and green. Quite logical, because the car isn’t a real racer. It is a businesslike, fast GT which can drive very fast when needed. That outstanding colours do look very good on this car is proven with the following spot!

The colour is named Madagascar Orange. When we look at the last picture we think that it must be a very beautiful colour when the sun is shining. The Aston Martin DB9 gives you an exotic feeling with a colour like this one. Over the years, this is the third copy, spotted in this colour. That’s a shame but it does keep the colour very special. Do you prefer the Aston Martin DB9 in a businesslike colour or do you like exotic colours like this copy? We choose for the last, without a doubt!

Spotted: Madagascar Orange Aston Martin DB9 in Munich

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