Spotted: Lotus Elise in a beautiful colour!

Spotted: Lotus Elise in a beautiful colour!

Exotic and sporty colours look beautiful on a small car like the Lotus Elise S1. But unfortunately we don’t see this very often. In Damme, an Elise was spotted and the owner has quite a special taste because of the colour of this car. He painted his sports car in Electric Green and spotter Bastien couldn’t miss this car!

The Lotus Elise S1 is the first generation Lotus Elise and is still very famous amongst fanatics. Its low and almost cute looks combined with the scanty interior make this a real sports car. You can only find the things you really need in this car. Under the hood, we find a 1.8 liters four-cylinder engine which produces 118 hp. This is enough to sprint to 100 kph in just 5.9 seconds and makes it able to drive just a bit faster than 200 kph at its top speed. But that’s not why you drive a Lotus Elise. You drive this car to drive it as a go-kart and race through every corner you see! What a great car!

Spotted: Lotus Elise in a beautiful colour!

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