These are the finest 488 Pista’s of the past few days

These are the finest 488 Pista’s of the past few days

Oh so popular, the new Ferrari 488 Pista. The number of Pista’s that is being spotted and uploaded is unheard of and here we have a selection of the cars that has been uploaded in the past few days, it contains some real gems!

With 27 pages of spots regarding the Ferrari 488 Pista it can be clear that this is a really popular car and it shows. When a car is spotted so frequently it can be easy to forget that it carries a price tag of well over 300,000 Euro’s. Still there seem to be plenty of people willing to part ways with their cash in exchange for one of Ferrari’s finest. We are lucky that so many owners take their cars out so we can see all the different specs that they have come up with. Which one of these is your favorite?

As usual, click on the photo to be redirected to the spot.

Dit zijn de Ferrari's 488 Pista van afgelopen dagen

Dit zijn de Ferrari's 488 Pista van afgelopen dagen

Dit zijn de Ferrari's 488 Pista van afgelopen dagen

Dit zijn de Ferrari's 488 Pista van afgelopen dagen

Dit zijn de Ferrari's 488 Pista van afgelopen dagen

Dit zijn de Ferrari's 488 Pista van afgelopen dagen

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