Top Tips to Keep Your Car Clean this Winter

  • Ruud
  • 2018-08-11 10:08
  • 60
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Top Tips to Keep Your Car Clean this Winter

If you own a car, you will know how hard it is to try and keep in clean and especially in the winter months! With grit, salt and grime constantly splashing onto our cars during this season, many people simply neglect their cars until Spring rolls back around. However, keeping your car clean is more important in winter than at any other time. Find out below our top tips for how to keep your car clean this winter.

As we mentioned before, there tends to be a lot of grit and salt on the roads during the colder months, all of which affects your car and its paintwork. To protect the paint on your car, we would recommend that you cover the car in a coat of wax in the Autumn, as leaving it too late until the bad weather is here will mean that it is too late to give your car a really good clean before you wax it.

Floor Mats
This is a super simple solution, but it works! Hard-wearing rubber floor mats are very affordable and with all of the snow, wetness and mud that gets on your shoes during this season, this is the ideal way to protect it. Jump into your car with muddy shoes all winter long without having to worry about dirtying your floormats and save yourself a big job for when spring comes around again.

Snow Foam
Another great way to keep your car clean this winter season is to give it a pressure wash and foam lance. We would recommend that you do this frequently as this will get the worst of the grime and salt off and it is definitely something that is worth checking out if you have not used it before. To do this, all you need to do is coat your car in a think layer of snow foam, leave it for a while to get to work on the grime on your car and then rinse both the soap and the grime off your car! If you were planning to take your car for a full wash, it is a good idea to do this beforehand as it will get rid of most of the abrasive road grit that may otherwise be rubbed into your paintwork. We would also recommend that you follow our previous step and have your car waxed as this will provide a protective layer on your car and a snow foam treatment may be the only other thing that you need to keep it clean.

Drive Carefully
Our last tip to give you to keep your car clean this winter is to drive carefully and not be skidding around in the snow. Doing this will end up coating the underside of your car in mud, salt, and grit and while it may be fun at the time doing this, you ultimately will regret it when you have to spend time after cleaning it!

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