Tragedy: Audi R8 crashes and driver burns alive

  • Kevin
  • 2013-06-23 20:00
  • 1989
  • 1

Tragedy: Audi R8 crashes and driver burns alive

It looks like there are crashing supercars in Germany every week. Most often it ends good with drivers and passengers, sometimes it ends in a real horror. Sadly, the incident which took place near Jülich in Germany was one of those last cases, with the death of the Audi R8-driver as a result. This story is a real tragedy.

The man, aged around fifty, drove over the A44 where things went completely wrong. Because of inexplainable reasons, he lost control over the car after which he crashed into a dike. This big impact completely deformed the car, due this it even caught fire. The driver couldn’t escape and lost its life in the flames, we hope he was far out of consciousness at that moent. This proves that even with Audi’s Quattro-system you can’t escape heavy crashed, because this particular case is one of the category horror-crashes.

Tragedy: Audi R8 crashes and driver burns alive

With thanks to Heinz Bremer for the tip.

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