Very sexy Bentley Continental Supersports spotted

  • Kevin
  • 2012-12-30 11:32
  • 1486
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Very sexy Bentley Continental Supersports spotted

The Bentley Continental Supersports is a very beautiful lined car. Almost every colour looks good on the car, but this doesn’t say that every colour is available. Recently, a new colour was added to our database, and just look at it! Is it pretty, or is it stunning?

In most cases, the car is painted grey or black, the businesslike colours. The clean-cut and sporty lines look good in the colour, but it doesn’t stand out in it. This colour doesn’t do this either, but it adds a lot of desire. Would you like to see this colour more often? We do, no matter what! This colour looks good on every occasion, you can almost call it a fact. The performances aren’t bad either. With 630 bhp you can hit 100 kph in just 3.9 seconds, the air wins the battle from the Bentley at 329 kph. Stopping this car will be harder than accelerating, because stopping a colossus of 2240 kilograms is a hard job!

Very sexy Bentley Continental Supersports spotted

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