Once again, breathtaking pictures of an Apollo IE emerge

Once again, breathtaking pictures of an Apollo IE emerge

The Apollo IE is probably one of the most insane cars you can find in this world. The car essentially consists of edges and corners. One might almost think it is a malicious dragon.

When the Apollo IE was introduced, there was a great shock in the automotive scene. On one hand, such a car had never been seen before. The design is a masterpiece on a whole new level. And on the other hand, it cannot be denied that the car was hated by many. It was said to be too extreme, too ugly, and too unrealistic. The outcry was as great as the love for it. The car captured the hearts of many enthusiasts. As already mentioned, it was something that had never been seen before. There is not much more to say about it. Look at the pictures and be amazed yourself.
The fact that this example is on the road somewhat frequently is a big bonus. It has already been uploaded for the fourth time. And always in or near Düsseldorf. To dare to take such a hellish monster onto the streets requires nerves of steel. Because everything actually speaks against driving such a machine in the city. On one hand, you could damage every square centimeter on an edge, a corner, a spoiler, or some other protruding detail; on the other hand, it is probably one of the most unwieldy and uncomfortable vehicles in traffic. The fact that you attract the attention of the entire city with it only adds to the challenge. It probably takes less than five minutes in the parking lot before it is surrounded by a crowd.
In this spot, we not only see a beautiful car but also equally beautiful pictures. Especially the first picture with the large Apollo logo is particularly cool. The pictures are also very artistic with all the light streaks in the background. That is not easy to do. Let's hope we get more such breathtaking pictures from Cars_of_nrw.

Once again, breathtaking pictures of an Apollo IE emergeClick on the photo for more photo's of this spot!

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