Some are submerged underwater, others are enveloped in sand

Some are submerged underwater, others are enveloped in sand

In Dubai, anything is possible, and one encounters everything. Here we see two extravagant sports cars, both of which apparently haven't been driven since neither yesterday nor the day before.

When comparing cars in the Middle East to those in Europe or America, one quickly notices that there are fewer private garages there than here. The difference lies in the fact that there are hardly any individual houses there, but rather many apartments in buildings hundreds of meters high. This also means that you don't have a private underground garage but rather have to share it with hundreds of others. The downside is that everyone can see that you have million-dollar vehicles that you hardly use, which is a shame. The upside is that as a spotter, you might have access to more cars than if they were all parked in a private house. We're familiar with this not only from the Middle East but also from afar. South Korea leads the market in car spotting. There are hundreds of spots of entire car collections in underground garages, which are apparently mostly openly accessible. But even in Dubai, we have a lot of such spots. Here at this spot, we see two GT Black Series and a LaFerrari, which have at least a ton of tire shine but just as much dust on the vehicle. It must be said that we have seen cars that were considerably dustier. Let's just hope that these cars don't reach that point.

Some are submerged underwater, others are enveloped in sandClick on the photo for more photo's of this spot!

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